An initiative of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation

Civic Time Off

Civic Time Off is an initiative to encourage employees to serve as nonpartisan poll workers, filling a crucial shortage and giving employees first-hand insight into how our elections work.

Download the Toolkit

  1. Why is Civic Time Off important for your employees?

    Civic Time Off is an easy, flexible way for employers to boost civic engagement among employees and benefit their local communities. By encouraging employees to consider using paid time off to serve as nonpartisan poll workers, employers play a critical role in filling the need for election workers across America—while giving employees the opportunity to gain knowledge on how elections are administered.

    Increased civic engagement has positive benefits for businesses, communities, and employees. Studies have shown that higher rates of civic participation correlate to healthier employees, including better psychological well-being, physical benefits, and emotional health. Additionally, economists have found that a healthy democracy is critical to a healthy free market economy.

    Implementing Civic Time Off is a way for employers to help increase civic knowledge, trust, and engagement among employees, leading to stronger communities and a more robust civic culture.

  2. How does Civic Time Off work?

    Civic Time Off is a flexible initiative that’s open to employers of any size, anywhere in the U.S. Since Civic Time Off is designed to encourage more Americans to serve as nonpartisan election workers, all that’s necessary for employers to participate is to include poll working in paid time off policies and share information with employees on how to sign up.

    Employers have full discretion in implementing Civic Time Off. They can offer extra time off or simply inform employees about using existing paid time off. This initiative is designed to be as flexible and accommodating for employers’ existing policies as possible, while encouraging employees to help fill a crucial need for nonpartisan poll workers.

    Ready to get started? By following the 3 steps below, employers can play a critical role in filling the need for election workers across America—while giving employees the opportunity to gain knowledge on how elections are administered.

  3. teen female contestant in front of step and repeat banner

    1. Opt-In

    Make a company-wide decision to implement CTO. Plan a rollout to stakeholder groups, with special attention paid to engaging employees. ​

  4. 2. Launch

    Make a company-wide announcement about CTO.

  5. 3. Amplify

    Spotlight and celebrate employees who serve as nonpartisan poll workers, continuing to encourage employees to take advantage of this opportunity. 

    *The organizations on this website do not constitute endorsements and are listed for the purpose of providing additional resources.

    Download the Toolkit

  6. Thank you to employers from 24 states (plus DC) for supporting poll worker recruitment!

    This map reflects the organizations that have shared information about poll worker recruitment or whose employees have signed up to become poll workers.


“Offering Civic Time Off emphasizes to our employees and the community the value we put on our freedom. We are truly blessed to live in a country where we can participate in free and unhindered elections. Making time for those who want to help is a small sacrifice for employers.”

Larry Kidd CEO, :hire Learn more here
The female election volunteers sit at the table and greet voters to the community center.

Interested in bringing Civic Time Off to your business?

Contact Jessica Schrank at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation for next steps and detailed guidance on implementing the program in your workplace.

Contact Us