An initiative of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation

Blending Civics and Math for Michigan Win

A young participant stands confidently behind a podium during the third round of the National Civics Bee competition. The event is hosted in a formal setting, with a large screen in the background displaying the words

In a world where STEM subjects often take center stage, National Civics Bee® Michigan State Finals winner Evan Z. proves that a passion for mathematics and civic engagement can go hand in hand.  

Evan’s civics journey began with a flyer passed around by his social studies teacher. “I was intrigued by the opportunity to deepen my understanding of civics,” Evan recalls. “The idea of exploring topics related to government, history, and citizenship really appealed to me.” With some free time on his hands, Evan saw the National Civics Bee® as a perfect chance to apply his knowledge and challenge himself. 

For his essay, Evan chose a topic close to home: pedestrian safety. Motivated by a tragic local incident, he explored the factors contributing to such accidents and proposed solutions. “I discussed factors like inadequate street lighting and emphasized the need for both government action and increased public awareness,” Evan explains. His approach demonstrates an ability to connect civic knowledge with real-world issues affecting his community. 

To prepare, Evan created a structured study plan, breaking down the provided guide into manageable sections. “I set daily goals to cover each topic systematically,” he shares. But Evan didn’t stop there. He practiced with related questions and refined his speech delivery with help from his parents. “They really helped me polish my speech and boost my confidence,” he acknowledges. Three students proudly hold oversized checks as they stand in front of a backdrop featuring logos of the National Civics Bee, U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation, and Michigan Chamber Foundation. The student on the left, Simon R., is smiling and holding a check for $500. In the center, Evan Z. stands with a serious expression, holding a check for $1,000. On the right, Rawan H. holds a check for $250. All three students are dressed in casual attire, and the backdrop reinforces the official nature of the event. The date on the checks reads July 17, 2024.

The competition itself, hosted by the Michigan Chamber of Commerce, proved to be an eye-opening experience for Evan. “One of my most memorable experiences was discovering the diverse range of issues that other contestants were talking about,” he reflects. “It was truly eye-opening to see the challenges that our communities face and the creative solutions others proposed.” 

Despite his success in civics, Evan’s favorite subject is actually mathematics. “I enjoy solving problems and tackling new challenges,” he explains. “Math is a blend between logic and creativity, allowing me to approach problems from different angles.” 

As Michigan’s top finalist, Evan will travel to Washington, D.C. to compete in the National Civics Bee® Championship this fall. Looking ahead, Evan is excited about more than just the competition. “I’m looking forward to meeting new people and connecting with fellow participants from across the country,” he says. “I’m excited to exchange ideas and learn about the issues different communities are facing.” 

In the future, Evan hopes to pursue a career in the medical field. “I really want to become a doctor,” he shares, voice filled with determination. “My aspiration comes from my desire to make a positive impact on global health.”  With this blend of skill and passion, Michigan’s Evan Z. will certainly be one to watch this November.