An initiative of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation

Juror Education

Juror Education is a nonpartisan initiative designed to elevate our understanding and appreciation of the crucial role that juries and a healthy judiciary play in our society, while also increasing employee participation in jury service.

Juror Education At-a-Glance

  1. Why is Juror Education important for your employees?

    Juror Education is an engaging, educational experience that fosters genuine interest, high interaction, and active learning among employee participants. It promotes the concept that serving on a jury is how Americans do their part to uphold our rights, maintain fairness, and participate in the justice system as active, independent arbiters of the law.

    Juries are a cornerstone of our justice system. As Americans, we are all guaranteed the right to a trial by a jury of our peers, and serving on a jury is how we ensure that right can be exercised. Participating in the justice process increases transparency, which, in turn, increases trust in the integrity of our system.

    Employers are in a uniquely strong position to support and encourage employees when they are selected for jury service. By educating employees about jury service and offering support and resources when they are selected to serve, employers help ensure that more citizens report for jury service, leading to higher levels of trust in our system and a stronger civic culture overall.

    Download the toolkit to learn how to pilot Juror Education in your workplace.

  2. How does Juror Education work?

    Juror Education is an engaging and immersive learning platform that teaches employees the basics of jury service while preparing participants to serve on a real jury. Designed by iThrive, an innovative educational game design company, Juror Education simulates the experience of serving on a jury, empowering employees to explore the process firsthand and develop a greater appreciation for the important role that jurors play in the justice system.

    Download the toolkit to learn how to pilot Juror Education in your workplace.

Interested in bringing Juror Education to your business?

Contact Jessica Schrank at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation for next steps and detailed guidance on implementing the program in your workplace.

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